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Keynote Presentation

“Does Big Data Solve Big Problems?”

Teck Hua HO
Deputy President (Research and Technology)
and Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor
National University of Singapore, Singapore

There is enormous excitement about big data because it promises to solve major societal problems. We have assembled big data sets in healthcare, transportation, and grocery shopping in order to prevent non-communicable diseases, reduce the rate of car accidents, and understand how firms compete and people consume in Asia. We show that big data must satisfy a set of necessary conditions for it to be useful in solving big societal problems.

About the Speaker
Ho Teck Hua is Deputy President (Research and Technology) and Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at the National University of Singapore, where he is also director of the NUS Global Asia Institute and the Centre for Behavioural Economics.

Prior to becoming Deputy President, he was the William Halford, Jr Family Professor of Marketing and director of the Asia Business Center at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.

Teck Hua has received numerous accolades for teaching and research. In February 2015, he received the Williamson Award, the Haas School’s highest faculty award. In 2010, he received the Distinguished Teaching Award, UC Berkeley’s most prestigious teaching honour. He has also won three Earl Cheit Awards for Excellence in Teaching (2004, 2005, and 2006).

His areas of research expertise include behavioural economics, quantitative marketing, and the interfaces between marketing and operations management. He has written and co-authored significant papers that have been published in top-tier journals. He has been a finalist for three of the most prestigious awards in marketing research: the 2011 William F O’Dell Award, the 2006 John D C Little Best Paper Award, and the 2005 Paul Green Best Paper Award. In 2014, a co-authored paper won the second place Wickham Skinner Best Paper Award from Production and Operations Management.

Teck Hua is the current editor-in-chief of Management Science, the venerable, highly ranked journal for research on management; he is the first non-US citizen to hold this title. He is also one of the most sought after experts on strategic pricing and behavioural change, and has consulted and taught courses for companies such as eBay, Google, and Johnson & Johnson.

He is a fellow at the Singapore Civil Service College and a board member of the National University Health System.